Anyone else a bit confused that we’re almost to the end of February? How did that happen? I’m not sure. The snow is off the ground in most of Spokane, but out here in Deer Park, we still have a stubborn foot or so of crusty snow on all unplowed surfaces, but there is a regular dripping sound of thaw and I’ve been watching the cedar waxwings have a riot in our ash trees, eating the red, weather-worn berries, and swooping about in a mini-murmuration. The flowing, rhythmic motion is utterly fascinating. If you’d like an extraordinary example of murmuration, google- starling flock murmuration. It is incredible. I saw a huge flock doing this over the streets over Rome well over a decade ago (it was my first time seeing this phenomenon) and I’ve never forgotten it.
Spring classes have all been submitted and I’m waiting for the catalog to go online for the Corbin Art Center and Parks and Rec. I’ve listed all of my classes under the event tab on my website and my next email to you all will be my whole spring selection of classes. There’s been a lot of requests for urban sketching/plein air painting so that is on the docket for late spring/summer and I hope you’ll be able to come paint with me!