We’re in the heyday of summer here at the Perkins’s household! I’m trying to make the most of it.
Strawberry picking up at Green Bluff. I picked a total of around 36 lbs in June to eat fresh and to make fruit leather that I treasure in the winter (if it makes it that long!).
Doing some house cleaning and assessing things found in the back of the closet.
Enjoying a rainy summer day, painting some salmon berry leaves photographed in Priest Lake in a sketchbook.
Plenty of Plein Air sketching with my Garland Sketchcrawl classes at the Spokane Art School.
Demonstrating how trick it is to draw the Garland Theater sign at last week’s class, haha!
Playing with a colored pencil with a multi-colored lead (orange, blue, green, yellow) and drawing an interesting intersection of buildings downtown by the Parkade.
Completed this painting last night ask the sun went down behind the trees to the west of a volunteer sunflower in the rocks by the edge of the deck. Did this sitting on my deck, barefoot, listening to cricket buzzing and the sound of the neighbor’s goat. Peak summer joy! What have you been up to this summer?