Little Spokane River Show Saturday!

Hi Everyone!

I’ve been quiet here lately because I’ve been wildly busy. My husband and I bought a new house and are in the process of simultaneously settling in and trying to get our old house on the market. To everyone who has done this before-you have my sincere admiration. This has been incredibly hard work! We’re starting to make good progress and I’m so excited about the new place. It is beautiful with a year round stream and great views. I can’t wait to paint here!

In other news-my favorite show of the year-the Little Spokane River Artist Studio Tour is happening this Saturday and I am super excited! I’m at Collista’s studio, as usual-that’s the furthest north studio, on Panorama. There’s plenty of parking and the garden is always beautiful thanks to her husband’s green thumb. I will have a bunch of small unframed originals at a range of prices and I hope you’ll find something that needs to come home with you! See you there!

This is a demo from an urban sketching class at the Northwest Museum of Art and Culture. I loved the half moon deck arch and the two porthole windows below.

Back in August we made a quick trip up to rural Canada for a family reunion/funeral and, as always, I brought my sketchbook.

This is the view from up on the porch on the house seen in the above image. A lot of time was spent sitting here, drinking coffee and talking to people.

The farm is very near Lake Mara, which is a gorgeous lake with fabulous views. One evening, a group of us made a quick trip over there to wade.

The sunset that night was gorgeous! I raced to capture the light before it went. As a result, the people on the shore are blurred (my paint was not drying as fast as I needed it too and the temperatures had cooled to boot), but I really like the feeling of light and it brings back the memory of that night which is always the point of my sketchbooks!