Hello Everyone!
I wanted to get this invite out to you sooner rather than later since I know summer is a busy time and days fill up fast. I’d love to get on your calendar so you can come visit me in my studio! I’ll have delicious nibbles, cold drinks, and art for sale. Peek in my flat files at unshown paintings and see my creative space. You know I love painting on location, so if you feel up to it, bring your paints and paint in my rambunctious garden. This is going to be a big creative party and a thank you to all who have supported me these first 5 years of my art career.
Please RSVP to meganperkinsartstudio@gmail.com if you can! It’ll help me plan how much food to have! Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Hope you’re all enjoying these glorious sunny days and see you in August!